News | 26.06.2024

BN and zevvy join forces

With zevvy's intelligent billing platform for energy costs, BN supports energy suppliers who are challenged by emerging topics relating to ZEV, vZEV and LECo.

The energy sector is changing and energy suppliers are facing increasingly complex challenges. Local electricity communities (LECo) are a significant development in this area. These communities are fundamentally altering the traditional energy supply model and are presenting energy suppliers with new challenges.

However, we also see opportunities

Beyond obligations, energy suppliers can enhance market attractiveness locally before competitors, such as ICT companies, enter the market. Specifically, energy suppliers can strengthen their position by using innovative business models and modern technologies, offering added value to customers and increasing competitiveness.

«We are delighted to have gained a partner in BN that is fully dedicated to the needs of energy suppliers. That's because zevvy offers energy suppliers numerous opportunities and strategic freedom. Thanks to BN, we have a competent partner to convey our added value to energy suppliers.»
— Cyrill Burch, CEO zevvy

Modular solution from zevvy

To meet these challenges and capitalize on opportunities, we offer zevvy, a modular solution for the billing of electricity communities (LECo), associations for self-consumption (ZEV) and virtual associations for self-consumption (vZEV).

Furthermore, we also provide billing solutions for heating costs and charging stations. Our solutions are designed to simplify and streamline complex billing processes, allowing energy suppliers to focus on their core tasks.